We’re honoured to have The Roundtable included in the recent edition of Contemporary Landscape Architecture. Thank you to the editorial team at Braun Publishing for ......
Enlocus have been engaged by City of Stonnington and the community to develop designs for two new parks in William Street, South Yarra. 17 William ...... More>>>
The Eagle Point Foreshore Redevelopment is a multi-faceted public renewal project in East Gippsland Shire. Eagle Point is a small holiday town located between Bairnsdale ...... More>>>
The Jabiru Lake Precinct Plan, set within a landscape of ecological and cultural significance, was developed in close collaboration with Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation and members ...... More>>>
Enlocus were engaged by the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre to provide pro-bono landscape architectural services for their critical new, large-scale Dandenong Services Hub. The design ...... More>>>
Implemented as part of the Wyndham Coastal & Marine Management Plan, Werribee South Beach Masterplan takes into consideration the site’s unique coastal context, courtesy of ...... More>>>
Spanning nine kilometres along Corio Bay, the Geelong Bay Trail is one of the premier trails within a shared network, connecting the centre of Geelong and Geelong ...... More>>>
McKinnon Secondary College’s landscape considers adjacent internal activity within the school building to generate form and program, creating a blend between internal and external function. ...... More>>>
The Roundtable, a seven meter diameter public table filled with edible plants, is a temporary installation located on Errol Street, North Melbourne. The concept for ...... More>>>
Lead by Stafford Strategy, together with Common and Enlocus, the Jabiru Masterplan and Future Vision has been developed in close collaboration with the Gundjeihmi Aboriginal ...... More>>>
The Domain Road Pop-Up park was set up as a trial initiative to enhance the local area and bring residents, businesses and visitors together to ...... More>>>
In this project, our client sought to develop a unique youth space for the Wyndham community, a positive environment which can facilitate social gatherings and ...... More>>>
The Apollo Bay Harbour Redevelopment projects work to align the planning, investment and governance necessary to accelerate growth and job creation in the area, stimulate ...... More>>>
Located in Albert Road Reserve, this parklet has been designed to replace the lost public amenity during the Metro construction for the local residents, traders ...... More>>>
Enlocus were engaged by Yarriambiack Shire Council to deliver the design of a Masterplan for Rupanyup, a small wheatbelt town located 294km north-west of Melbourne. ...... More>>>
Broadmeadows Metropolitan Activity Centre (MAC) and it’s Hume Central Precinct, has undergone significant transformation in the last eighteen years with investment funded by both Hume ...... More>>>
The transformation of the beach front public domain creates several new precincts, including the centerpiece of the redevelopment – Scarborough Square – which will be ...... More>>>
Enlocus, together with NAAU and Stafford Strategy, were engaged by Swan Hill Rural City Council to prepare design feasibility assessment and key stakeholder engagement assessment ...... More>>>
The project aims to enhance the amenity of the neighbourhood activity centre, providing an integrated seating design and enhancing the existing council owned assets, increasing ...... More>>>
The ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses across Victoria has required the adoption of creative design approaches to safely address the reinvigoration of ...... More>>>
Shortlisted for the NGV’s 2021 Architecture Commission. At the Table proposes the installation of a landscape table in the Grollo Equiset Garden at the NGV. This ...... More>>>
The Wickham Outdoor Youth Space is a genuine community asset that has been created by the community, for the community. The outdoor youth space, which ...... More>>>
Rainbow Arts Precinct Masterplan creates a facility and spaces that are flexible enough to function on a day-to-day basis, in addition to being able to ...... More>>>
The Endeavour Hills Community Precinct Masterplan creates a new plaza space that offers the community with skate, parkour, adventure and gathering opportunities. Stage one of ...... More>>>
The new design focuses on safe and easy access of the waterfront via formalised pedestrian route – the boardwalk, car parking and DDA access to ...... More>>>
Located in an existing thoroughfare linking Pascoe Vale Road retail to Glenroy Road, Morgan Court includes simple and bold forms that create opportunities for social ...... More>>>
Stafford Strategy, Common and Enlocus were engaged to undertake a design feasibility assessment in parallel with business case/economic feasibility assessment by Stafford Strategy, for a ...... More>>>
Rix Road Early Learning Centre is a 1350m2 facility developed for the growing community of Officer. Rix Road ELC comprises four program rooms & community ...... More>>>
As part of Council’s Streetscape Design Framework, Enlocus were tasked with providing concept design prototypes for Mornington’s Main Street, the suburb’s predominant commercial precinct. These ...... More>>>
The Arts Link extends the preliminary concept of a light box, introduces motion and distorts perspective. As with horizons in the urban landscape, we are ...... More>>>
The Brunswick Civic and Cultural Precinct is centred around the MIPAC forecourt and Sydney Road intersection and has been designed to focus on and exhibit ...... More>>>
A staged delivery coupled with school renovation and extension project, delivered in conjunction with K2LD Architects. The landscape elements provided by Enlocus included the creation ...... More>>>
Landscape Drive Park is a terrain for recreation. Through re-imagining the central pathway as not just an access corridor, but as the heart of the ...... More>>>
The Pascoe Vale Road Glenroy streetscape identity project is a significant revitalisation of the main shopping strip in the activity centre of Glenroy. The aim ...... More>>>
The Gnarojin Park Masterplan aims to strategically plan for the development of the park as the central recreational facility for the Narrogin community. Taking into ...... More>>>
Centred around the Brunswick Mechanics Institute, MIPAC Stage 02-04 is currently under construction by Moreland City Council. The Brunswick Civic and Cultural Precinct has been ...... More>>>
The principal strategy behind this design was to prioritise pedestrian movement across the site... More>>>
In collaboration with K2LD Architects, Enlocus will focus on the enhancement of key entry sites in order to create a vibrant and safe educational space ...... More>>>
This facility is comprised of two main areas; the Youth Precinct, which includes an all ages, all skill level wheeled sports facility and a bouldering ...... More>>>
The aim of this project proposed to make Civic Square the central hub of Hastings City’s arts, culture and heritage, promoting cultural connectedness and civic ...... More>>>
With an opportunity to create a new community space, the Nambour Skate and Youth Space draws inspiration from the historical industries and places which put ...... More>>>
The Viaduct Park Youth Hub reinvigorates the northern end of Peel Street, and provides the community with a vibrant social hub in close proximity to ...... More>>>
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