Project Information
CLIENT The Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation & Northern Territory Government
- YEAR 2020
- TYPE Cultural Masterplan and Feasibility Study
- LOCATION Kakadu, Northern Territory
- 2024 AILA Northern Territory State Awards (three awards)
- Award of Excellence – Cultural Heritage Category
- Landscape Architecture Award for Tourism
- Regional Achievement Award
Credits Design Team
Stafford Strategy: Albert Stafford & Julia Papahatzis
- Enlocus: Michael Ford, Jason McNamee, Sylvia Zhang & Zoe Wang
- Common: John Doyle, Ben Milbourne, Laura Martires, Evie Blackman, Tom Muratore, Kat Fatekhova & Ronald Lau
Traffic Engineers: onemilegrid
The Jabiru Lake Precinct Plan, set within a landscape of ecological and cultural significance, was developed in close collaboration with Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation and members of the Mirarr community, to ensure genuine input and ownership over the proposed design. The Jabiru Lake Precinct, as it extends from the Town Centre, prioritises pedestrian and bicycle circulation. The precinct is developed with a hierarchy of movement; boardwalk, tourist/visitor approach, and interconnected shared paths and local connections. The Precinct also includes a diversity of spatial typologies, including social, recreational, event and educational spaces which range in scale, allowing for larger community/tourism events and moments for contemplation and reflection. The complexities and diversity of the local and regional ecology are explored across the various interconnected programs within the Jabiru Lakes Precinct. Planting and indigenous horticultural practices are designed to create a unique impression, and the knowledge of the local community will be drawn on to achieve longer-term horticultural outcomes. All plants selected will meet the requirements of the Kakadu National Park Approved Plants List, and adhere to Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations. The material palette and finishes have been developed in a holistic approach to the Jabiru and Lake Precinct identity, and will feature innovative and subtle wayfinding opportunities.