Project Information
Client Yarriambiack Shire Council
- Year 2022
- Status Complete
- Type Masterplan
- Location Rupanyup, Victoria
Credits Design Team
Jason McNamee
- Esther Honybun
Enlocus were engaged by Yarriambiack Shire Council to deliver the design of a Masterplan for Rupanyup, a small wheatbelt town located 294km north-west of Melbourne. The town is one ...
Enlocus were engaged by Yarriambiack Shire Council to deliver the design of a Masterplan for Rupanyup, a small wheatbelt town located 294km north-west of Melbourne. The town is one of the key stops along the Silo Art Trail, featuring a prominent artwork of young local residents by artist Julia Volchkova. The Masterplan consolidates the elements along the main commercial precinct of Cromie Street, activating the space for locals and tourists alike, with the ambition of encouraging people to stop and stay as they pass through. The overall design is reflective of the history of the town, with a particular focus on its rich farming history, as well as the knowledge and values of the current community obtained via a comprehensive consultation process. The Masterplan enhances Rupanyup’s public identity and provides build up to the town’s silo art in the north. Proposed amenities include shade and shelter, a park and events space for commercial food trucks, in addition to a new horticultural strategy. The Masterplan will then form the basis for the town to seek funding through the Regional Tourism Infrastructure Fund, to realise its further design development and construction. Rupanyup Streetscape will be a revitalisation project for the main street’s retail, civic and community precinct. Rather than a beautification project, Enlocus, with Yarriambiack Shire Council and the community, have closely collaborated to find affordable horticultural and streetscape opportunities that will provide long-term value, and entice visitors to experience the Wimmera Mallee region.