065_The Eagle Point Foreshore Redevelopment is a multi-faceted public renewal project in East Gippsland Shire. Eagle Point is a small holiday town located between Bairnsdale ...... More>>>
![EAGLE POINT FORESHORE REDEVELOPMENT EAGLE POINT FORESHORE REDEVELOPMENT](https://enlocus.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Enlocus_Eagle-Point_04.jpg)
The Eagle Point Foreshore Redevelopment is a multi-faceted public renewal project in East Gippsland Shire. Eagle Point is a small holiday town located between Bairnsdale ...... More>>>
The Jabiru Lake Precinct Plan, set within a landscape of ecological and cultural significance, was developed in close collaboration with Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation and members ...... More>>>
The Roundtable, a seven meter diameter public table filled with edible plants, is a temporary installation located on Errol Street, North Melbourne. The concept for ...... More>>>
Lead by Stafford Strategy, together with Common and Enlocus, the Jabiru Masterplan and Future Vision has been developed in close collaboration with the Gundjeihmi Aboriginal ...... More>>>
The Domain Road Pop-Up park was set up as a trial initiative to enhance the local area and bring residents, businesses and visitors together to ...... More>>>
Spanning nine kilometres along Corio Bay, the Geelong Bay Trail is one of the premier trails within a shared network, connecting the centre of Geelong and Geelong ...... More>>>
In this project, our client sought to develop a unique youth space for the Wyndham community, a positive environment which can facilitate social gatherings and ...... More>>>
The Apollo Bay Harbour Redevelopment projects work to align the planning, investment and governance necessary to accelerate growth and job creation in the area, stimulate ...... More>>>
Located in Albert Road Reserve, this parklet has been designed to replace the lost public amenity during the Metro construction for the local residents, traders ...... More>>>
Enlocus were engaged by Yarriambiack Shire Council to deliver the design of a Masterplan for Rupanyup, a small wheatbelt town located 294km north-west of Melbourne. ...... More>>>
Broadmeadows Metropolitan Activity Centre (MAC) and it’s Hume Central Precinct, has undergone significant transformation in the last eighteen years with investment funded by both Hume ...... More>>>
The transformation of the beach front public domain creates several new precincts, including the centerpiece of the redevelopment – Scarborough Square – which will be ...... More>>>
Enlocus were engaged by the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre to provide pro-bono landscape architectural services for their critical new, large-scale Dandenong Services Hub. The design ...... More>>>
Implemented as part of the Wyndham Coastal & Marine Management Plan, Werribee South Beach Masterplan takes into consideration the site’s unique coastal context, courtesy of ...... More>>>
Enlocus, together with NAAU and Stafford Strategy, were engaged by Swan Hill Rural City Council to prepare design feasibility assessment and key stakeholder engagement assessment ...... More>>>
McKinnon Secondary College’s landscape considers adjacent internal activity within the school building to generate form and program, creating a blend between internal and external function. ...... More>>>
The project aims to enhance the amenity of the neighbourhood activity centre, providing an integrated seating design and enhancing the existing council owned assets, increasing ...... More>>>
The ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses across Victoria has required the adoption of creative design approaches to safely address the reinvigoration of ...... More>>>
Shortlisted for the NGV’s 2021 Architecture Commission. At the Table proposes the installation of a landscape table in the Grollo Equiset Garden at the NGV. This ...... More>>>
The Wickham Outdoor Youth Space is a genuine community asset that has been created by the community, for the community. The outdoor youth space, which ...... More>>>
Rainbow Arts Precinct Masterplan creates a facility and spaces that are flexible enough to function on a day-to-day basis, in addition to being able to ...... More>>>
The Endeavour Hills Community Precinct Masterplan creates a new plaza space that offers the community with skate, parkour, adventure and gathering opportunities. Stage one of ...... More>>>
The new design focuses on safe and easy access of the waterfront via formalised pedestrian route – the boardwalk, car parking and DDA access to ...... More>>>
Located in an existing thoroughfare linking Pascoe Vale Road retail to Glenroy Road, Morgan Court includes simple and bold forms that create opportunities for social ...... More>>>
Stafford Strategy, Common and Enlocus were engaged to undertake a design feasibility assessment in parallel with business case/economic feasibility assessment by Stafford Strategy, for a ...... More>>>
Rix Road Early Learning Centre is a 1350m2 facility developed for the growing community of Officer. Rix Road ELC comprises four program rooms & community ...... More>>>
As part of Council’s Streetscape Design Framework, Enlocus were tasked with providing concept design prototypes for Mornington’s Main Street, the suburb’s predominant commercial precinct. These ...... More>>>
The Arts Link extends the preliminary concept of a light box, introduces motion and distorts perspective. As with horizons in the urban landscape, we are ...... More>>>
The Brunswick Civic and Cultural Precinct is centred around the MIPAC forecourt and Sydney Road intersection and has been designed to focus on and exhibit ...... More>>>
A staged delivery coupled with school renovation and extension project, delivered in conjunction with K2LD Architects. The landscape elements provided by Enlocus included the creation ...... More>>>
Landscape Drive Park is a terrain for recreation. Through re-imagining the central pathway as not just an access corridor, but as the heart of the ...... More>>>
The Pascoe Vale Road Glenroy streetscape identity project is a significant revitalisation of the main shopping strip in the activity centre of Glenroy. The aim ...... More>>>
The Gnarojin Park Masterplan aims to strategically plan for the development of the park as the central recreational facility for the Narrogin community. Taking into ...... More>>>
Centred around the Brunswick Mechanics Institute, MIPAC Stage 02-04 is currently under construction by Moreland City Council. The Brunswick Civic and Cultural Precinct has been ...... More>>>
The principal strategy behind this design was to prioritise pedestrian movement across the site... More>>>
In collaboration with K2LD Architects, Enlocus will focus on the enhancement of key entry sites in order to create a vibrant and safe educational space ...... More>>>
This facility is comprised of two main areas; the Youth Precinct, which includes an all ages, all skill level wheeled sports facility and a bouldering ...... More>>>
The aim of this project proposed to make Civic Square the central hub of Hastings City’s arts, culture and heritage, promoting cultural connectedness and civic ...... More>>>
With an opportunity to create a new community space, the Nambour Skate and Youth Space draws inspiration from the historical industries and places which put ...... More>>>
The Viaduct Park Youth Hub reinvigorates the northern end of Peel Street, and provides the community with a vibrant social hub in close proximity to ...... More>>>
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