Project Information+

  • CLIENT Mornington Peninsula Shire

  • YEAR 2019-2020
  • BUDGET –
  • STATUS Concept Design
  • TYPE Streetscape Improvements
  • LOCATION Mornington, Victoria

Credits Design Team+

  • Michael Ford

  • Sylvia Zhang


  • Surfcoast Survey & Drafting Services

As part of Council's Streetscape Design Framework, Enlocus were tasked with providing concept design prototypes for Mornington's Main Street, the suburb's predominant commercial precinct. These concepts encapsulate the framework's ...
As part of Council’s Streetscape Design Framework, Enlocus were tasked with providing concept design prototypes for Mornington’s Main Street, the suburb’s predominant commercial precinct. These concepts encapsulate the framework’s principles of “moments”, a series of public spaces with a cohesive identity, designed for rest/contemplation and socialising, and which have the ability to be adapted for large scale events. These treatments facilitate greater opportunity for community activities, outdoor dining and trading in Mornington.

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